The Missing Link
Irony has no bounds. No sooner had I publicly committed to uploading new content every week, then I found myself locked out of my Google+ account. Therefore I would like to start this post with my utmost apologies for not being able to meet my obligations sooner. Rest assured I will be placing fail-safes to avoid such an embarrassing matter again. Nonetheless, I have been working to keep the content flowing regardless of my inability to upload it. Some changes have been made: we are now placing morale alignment more in the peripheral gameplay and stepping up the grouping of Men, Monsters, Fairie and God-born. This decision was made in light of the intended feel of the game. Our focus is on creating a world where a player's avatar may die for good but leaves a legacy for their children to inherit. In essence, the player is choosing to play a bloodline more so than a character. The intent is to keep the game fresh by placing them in a position to try new professions and specializa...