Task List

Pre-production 4th Quarter 2018

A list of the current known tasks. If you see missing tasks or would like to suggest new tasks please see an admin.

Phase One

Name Priority Status Reason Project credits
Get Logo Trademarked High Working
QualityAssurance, Marketing 2
Create Forum Medium Done
Engineering 5
Create assignments page Medium Done
Engineering 2.5
Create a submission page Medium Standing By URL Engineering 7
Create a donation page Low Done
Engineering, Marketing 8
Copyright materials in possession High Done
Leadership 8
Obtain costs to start business and reoccurring costs. Medium Done
Finance 2
Complete Advert Low Done
Marketing 8
Complete Game Concept Medium Standing By Content Design 60
Complete Game requirements Medium Available
ProductionTeam 40
Complete Game Plan Medium Available
ProductionTeam 80
Complete Budget Low Done
Finance 6
Initial Game Concept High Done
ProductionTeam 120
Platform and Genre specified? Medium Done
ProductionTeam 1
Mission statement High Available
SocialMedia 2
Define Basic Game Play Elements Medium Standing By Content Design 16
Complete Combat prototype [Paper] Low Available
Design 16
Complete Spellcasting prototype [Paper] Low Available
Design 16
Brainstorm recruitment options Medium Available
Marketing 4
Complete Knight and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Complete Magician and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Complete Druid and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Complete Fighter and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Complete Tamer and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Create Sorcerer and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Create Marksman and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Create Martial Artist and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Create Infantry and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Create Assassin and subclass skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Create Miscellaneous skill trees Medium Available
Design 40
Research Lore behind Elves Medium Done
Research 4
Research lore behind Centaur Medium Done
Research 4
Research Lore behind Dwarves Medium Available
Research 4
Research Lore behind Gnomes Medium Done
Research 4
Research Lore behind Cyclops Medium Done
Research 4
Research Lore behind Goblins Medium Done
Research 4
Research Lore behind Nephelim Medium Done
Research 4
Research Lore behind Seraphim Medium Done
Research 4
Research Lore behind Trolls Medium Done
Research 4
Risk analysis [concept] Low Standing By Content ProductionTeam 8
Concept Pitch Low Standing By Content Design, Art, Marketing 8

TOTAL 895.5

Phase Two

Name Priority Status Reason Project credits
Create a projected timeline High Available
ProductionTeam 16
Complete Risk Analysis [requirements] Low Standing By Content Leadership 40
Run Game requirements by the team for approval Low Available
ProductionTeam 8
Obtain a business license/Tax ID Medium Standing By Funds Leadership 16
Have production team approve of the concept Low Standing By Content Leadership 8
Schedule Product kick-off Low Available
Leadership 4
Define and prioritize features Low Standing By Content Design 8
Define and account for constraints in future sets? Low Standing By Content Design 40
Define milestones and delvierables Medium Available
Engineering, Art, ProductionTeam, Leadership 40
Evaluate current and up-coming technology to verify desired feature set Low Standing By Content Engineering 80
Define the tools and pipeline for production team Low Standing By Content Design, Engineering, Art, ProductionTeam 160
Complete design documentation Low Standing By Content Leadership 40
Complete Basic technical documentation Waiting Standing By Content Design, Engineering 120
Locate Investors Waiting Standing By Content Marketing, Finance, Leadership 160
Get Post Office Box. Waiting Standing By Funds Leadership 4
Obtain a business savings and checking account Waiting Standing By Tax ID Finance 2
Create Slogan Medium Available
Marketing, Leadership 2
Create key characters for Trolls Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Elves Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Humans Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Centaur Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Dwarves Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Giants Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Seraphim Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Nephilim Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Gnomes Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Cyclops Low Available
Art 8
Create key characters for Goblins Low Available
Art 8
Create characters for dieties and demigods Medium Available
Art 40
Create symbolism for the deities of Stratovine Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Ariel Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Arnth Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Gia Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Nubus Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Malevolince Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Agni Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Ares Low Available
Art 3
Create symbolism for the deities of Isolt Low Available
Art 3
Create art assets for all cataloged objects Medium Available 2k+ Objects Art 5000
Create artwork for Elven Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Human Capital Low Working
Art 8
Create artwork for Dwarven Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Centaur Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Capital Gnomish Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Dralexian Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Troll Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Cyclops Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Goblin Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Nephelim Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Seraphim Capital Low Standing By Content Art 8
Research Herbalism for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research Animal Breeding for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research Construction and building techniques for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research various crafting techniques for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research the art of diplomacy for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research farming for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research basic physician techniques for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research common mercantilism laws and skills for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research Mining for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research Herbalism for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research Stone harvesting for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research smelting for Trade Medium Working
Research 40
Research blacksmiths for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research textiles and tailoring for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research Leather Production for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Research food production for Trade Medium Available
Research 40
Create Herbalism Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Breeder Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Builder Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Crafting Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Diplomat Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Enchanter Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Farmer Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40.
Create Healer Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Merchant Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Miner Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Quarry Master Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Smelting Trade skill trees Low Working
Design 40
Create Smithing Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Tailor Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Tanner Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Create Cook Trade skill trees Low Standing By Research Design 40
Increase visibility of Epimetheus High Available
SocialMedia, Marketing 40
Script a radio Ad Low Available
Marketing 8
Create a public image plan Low Standing By Content SocialMedia, Marketing, Leadership 40
Create a presence in major social media outlets Low Available
SocialMedia, Marketing 180
Create a PR Risk assessment plan Low Standing By Content Marketing 40
Create an established, secure Database for Game Assets Low Standing By Content ProductionTeam 180
Purchase a Server Low Standing By Content Finance 8
Purchase a PC Medium Standing By Funds Finance 4
Locate a temporary Office Low Standing By Funds Leadership 80
Create disclosures for content submission Medium Available
Leadership 4
Create Watermark High Standing By Trademark Design 2
Enroll in MS Office Medium Standing By Funds Finance, Leadership 1
Enroll in Monday.com (5 users) Low Standing By Funds Finance, Leadership 2
Purchase domain Medium Standing By Funds Design, Finance 2
Build new website on domain Medium Standing By Domain Design 80
Create a disclaimer page Medium Available
Design 8
Create a Contribution Point System description High Available
Design 4
Create a page that displays the current Points in Pie-graph form as well as Bar graph Low Available
Design 24
Create artwork for Elf Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Human Low Working
Art 8
Create artwork for Dwarf Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Centaur Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Capital Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Draconian Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Troll Low Done
Art 8
Create artwork for Cyclops Low Done
Art 8
Create artwork for Goblin Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Nephelim Low Available
Art 8
Create artwork for Seraphim Low Available
Art 8

TOTAL 8066

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