"An outfit I will rock someday!" - Nate |
We have numerous ways in which you can collaborate with us toward the development of this game and no offer will be denied without careful consideration. In addition to our goal of creating a successful game franchise we also want to start a trend for game developers around the world to involve the game community during every stage of game development. Not only to give the community what they want in a game but also to help others get their brand out there. Please take the time to read through this list of suggested contributions.
If you would like to be more involved in the fundamental aspects of the game or just want to jump on board as a prominent collaborator than we suggest you take a look at our tasks page as it lists many of the current assignments that need to be completed to keep the production cycle moving forward. And remember to have fun with your work, there are no "stick-in-the-muds" in Mane & Crown and we promise to be as fair as legally possible.
Furthermore, if you would like to claim one of the many titles listed on our Knowledge page you must contact an admin. If you are giving that role the Developer Producer will assign you tasks that you are welcome to complete at your own pace. Your term in that role will be recorded and documented. Professional references may be made available, upon request, identifying any strengths that we have come to appreciate about you during your involvement in the production of this online game. Once the game begins producing enough profit so that we are in a position to hire employees, preferences for jobs will be given to outstanding collaborators.
• Artwork: This is a fantasy world. Let your imagination run wild.
Utilizing any medium of artwork that fits you best, create wildlife out of your imagination or draw us your rendition of any of the worlds historical wildlife, mythological beasts or monsters of lore. Perhaps you prefer to draw buildings, clothing, weapons or armor; well then do you and let us not only bring your idea to life but show it to the world as well. With a game as vast as The World of Epimetheus™ there will be room for many forms of creativity, both pre and post production.
Utilizing any medium of artwork that fits you best, create wildlife out of your imagination or draw us your rendition of any of the worlds historical wildlife, mythological beasts or monsters of lore. Perhaps you prefer to draw buildings, clothing, weapons or armor; well then do you and let us not only bring your idea to life but show it to the world as well. With a game as vast as The World of Epimetheus™ there will be room for many forms of creativity, both pre and post production.
However, we do ask that if possible you submit your artwork in .png format. It is our current standard format. Team Epimetheus thanks you for your cooperation on this matter.
+ This is a great way for people with artistic talent to contribute.
• Skill matrix's are one of our areas of greatest need.
In Epimetheus, we are taking a unique approach where we are incorporating real life (RL) lessons into all of the professions. This means that our skill trees will include techniques and skills from the real world. By doing this we seek to make our game not only exciting but educational too. While many skills have already been listed and many trees are starting to take form there are hundreds of other similar skill trees that need your help. See an admin for details.
In Epimetheus, we are taking a unique approach where we are incorporating real life (RL) lessons into all of the professions. This means that our skill trees will include techniques and skills from the real world. By doing this we seek to make our game not only exciting but educational too. While many skills have already been listed and many trees are starting to take form there are hundreds of other similar skill trees that need your help. See an admin for details.
+ This is a great way for people with strong organizational skills to contribute.
• City Plans are needed for every nation.
Capitals included (short of the Human and Elven capitals) which offer opportunities for those with talents for architecture. We want each race to have its own cultural flair as well as architectural uniqueness. However, each race has restrictions on its available resources, technological reach, and adaptation to their environment. See an admin for details.
+This requires insight, creativity and a fundamental understanding of the city's resources, biome, regional wildlife, and other similar factors. This is not recommended for the faint-hearted.
• Floor plans for buildings.
Once the world has been built structures will be placed and we will want to have those structures designed, approved and ready to go. We already have a list of functional structures (buildings that will have features for in-game applications) and a pre-made list of business names for structures such as inns, taverns, and weapon-smiths.
+This is recommended for contributors who are in it for the long haul. This portion of artistic creation falls under the World Building skillset. A useful skill for any game engineer's resume <hint hint, wink wink>.
• Names!!
Names for taverns, inns, nations, characters in the game you name it! (See what I did there? ;) There is an enormous need for creative, theme appropriate names for characters, guilds, factions, kingdoms, in-game NPCs, famous battles, treaties, trade agreements, etc.
+ This is recommended for anyone.
• Spells!!
We need to fill the Spell-books of Damascaria, an Elven Library renowned for its unmatched collection of knowledge and spell-books. While we separate spells into categories such as enchantments, alterations, illusion, etc., it is not something that necessarily needs to be taken into account when brainstorming spells. It can be categorized after the fact. But try to be reasonable, we will not be putting a spell in the game that allows an avatar to be invincible forever. Not even the gods are allowed such power.
+ This contribution is recommended for aspiring magicians!
• Magical and enchanted items
This is a fun way to creatively add history, and lore, to the game. In times of great peril heroes and villains rise to the top, and they always have fabled weapons, armor, talismans and/or pets. These are the artifacts and relics that make up the history and lore of any great world. What we will be looking for is a back-story to support your items existence, a list of the bonuses and stats of the item as well as the components that it is made from. Remember that every item in the game will be based on the available resources.
+ This is recommended for artistically inclined contributors who have a fundamental grasp on the crafting aspects
of the game.
+ This is recommended for artistically inclined contributors who have a fundamental grasp on the crafting aspects
of the game.
• Public relations/marketing
Maybe you have a social network that reaches around the globe and a knack for inspiring people, or an in-depth understanding of the various mediums of social media as well as ad creation. Perhaps you understand how to appeal to the desires of a particular target market or you have a talent for working up a lot of energy around an idea. Then Epimetheus needs you! Twitter, facebook, youtube, Instagram, etc. We need people who have an amazing understanding of these modern mediums for communication and are willing to drum up a buzz about us!!
+ This is recommended for anyone familiar with social media and has a sound grasp on the game concept, or at the very least has an understanding of the basic goals of this blog. Please contact an admin before running with this torch as we might have merch for you to distribute.
• Monetary gifts
Money is the lubricant upon which any business runs smoothly. While there are a lot of benefits to our volunteer approach to game development such as extremely low overhead and no budget ceiling to restrict game content there is still a need for equipment, software, licensing, professional applications, etc. Monetary contributions are also the easiest way to secure royalty credits as it is a direct purchase of said credits. Every penny counts too, so don't think you have to be independently wealthy to help out. The current cash-to-credit conversion is $15 USD = 1 Credit ($5 = .333 Credits). There are also package deals if you wish to invest a substantial amount. Please contact an admin for details or you can follow the link below.
+ This is recommended for anyone looking to help finance our project.
• Music/Sounds
We will eventually need original soundtracks, sound clips, and ambient noises. From crows cawing up a storm to the sound of waves crashing ashore, we need it all. Don't think any sound clip is too small or unusual. We do not currently have a projected file type so we ask that anything submitted be done so in mp3 format. If this is an area that you specialize in please feel free to offer direction, take the lead or even fabricate a secure submission process.
+ This is recommended for anyone interested in establishing themselves as a Sound Engineer.
• Anything really. This early in the game's life stage much is still negotiable and not all is set in stone. We are willing to be as flexible as we can to allow anyone interested to be involved.
All contributions are tracked and recorded by Mane & Crown Enterprises, LLC. and recognition will be awarded at the time of release. Major contributions will earn seniority rights based on the level of contribution. Contributions are also periodically published on our Collaborator page with plans to expand on the methods by which contributors can link their independent projects, companies, and sites to their contributions. All contributions must be submitted with a completed 'Submission Form' and 'Intellectual Property Release Agreement' or IPRA. Upon successful submission of any and all contributions the content of the said submission, in its entirety, becomes the sole property of Mane & Crown Enterprises, LLC. All submissions must either be mailed to:
Mane & Crown Enterprises, LLC
371 Depot St.
Wilton, ME 04938
or emailed to: