God's Will is Greater Than Mine
Approximately two years ago a tribulation arose in my life. Like any hardship there were two ways in which it can be addressed. One can become bitter and angry, letting the pain and suffering of their trial get the best of them. I am sure you know the type. They are angry, quick to verbally and/or physically lash out at those around them. They blame others for their troubles and can never quite admit the part that they played in the mess they find themselves in. Bitter to the end. The other way is to become better, allowing the hardships of life to refine you. Pain strengthens them. They remain calm when others do not. They find it in them to remain patient, understanding and compassionate to those around them. Troubles come and go and with that understanding they patiently bide their time knowing that it shall pass. Somehow the same pains that damage others give them wisdom and tolerance. It would be dishonest to say that the Developer Producer of this blog (that's me!) takes his...