Counting Blessings

What a quarter we have had! Scandalous employers, trumped up criminal charges to cover immoral antics, a devastating flood in North Carolina ignored by the media, flooding in Florida, Fires in Wyoming also being ignored by the media and all this with a monumental presidential election on the horizon. Yes my fine fellows and felonious friends things are getting spicy. What does this all  mean for Team Epimetheus? We adjust our sails for the wind is out of our control.

I am afraid the hero of this blog is living in a tent in the woods. It seems that dignity and respect are running pretty low these days, even from those that you would think a person could count on the most. But one must fall into the dredges so that God can be glorified by the changing of those circumstances. For three months I have tried to locate a new trucking job to no avail.

Mere days after the evil actions of one "Everyone On-time Safely Trucking" company and its degenerate inequities the jeep broke. $7,000 to get it out of the shop, $4,000 left on it and no work!! Though these things are completely out of my hands, one thing the American culture is sure to do is lay all of the blame at the feet of the struggling consumer. This means that in addition to losing the jeep I will be sued by the finance company, the service center doing the work will put a lien on the jeep and sell it and my credit is going to take a hit.

Interestingly enough, when the people at EOS became belligerent and hostile I was really of the mind that you cannot treat people like that. Apparently in the new millennium you sure can. After speaking to dozens of lawyers it is clear that all anyone in Arkansas cares about is money. Greed runs amok nationwide.

So how have I adjusted my sails you might ask? Focus on programming classes has geared up and plans on a platform have begun to coalesce. The course for HTML and CSS is now half completed and JavaScript is targeted as the next milestone toward the pilot game. Simultaneously, our research team is  investigating cost effective gaming platforms. Honestly, we not only want something that expedites the creation of the pilot, but also carries an icon that we feel will amplify the feel of our targeted audience.

It does seem that things in the US continue to decline, but these things are beyond our control now. Only God can rescue us from the evils that have become so common in our beloved country. While my local church was all too happy to take my tithe money while I was employed, they have been most hesitant to assist me in my current slump. Go figure.

But God works in mysterious ways, so it will be very interesting to see how he turns this terrible circumstance around. And when it gets turned around it will not be a result of my efforts as Satan has thwarted every single attempt at preventing this situation from coming to pass. So the Lord of Lies can have his way for now, things will turn around in God's timing.

If any of the followers of this blog would like to assist me financially the cashapp to send money to is $ReconRahl. But until the beginning of the new year I will focus on helping others the best I can. Trying to help myself has proven ineffective. Thus I will volunteer my time and talents until something unmistaken as god-sent arrives in my purview. 

The truth is that many factors have falling in line to make this situation as bearable as possible. I have a tent, a sleeping bag, albeit not one for the cold, and a 60L backpack on its way. Stay-tuned to learn how God has turned this dire circumstance into a victory story. Even I am curious as to how God is going to glorify himself in this.


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