The Birth of a Nation
Maybe you can remember history class because it was only a few hours ago, or can never forget it because it was the most exciting course in your curriculum. Personally, I dreaded history class and found it difficult to remember all of the events, dates, and characters involved. That was in part because it was American history where I was instead bedazzled by European folklore. The lore of elves, gnomes, goblins, and trolls captured my attention and nurtured my imagination.
Now here I am writing a pseudo-history for the world I dreamed up as a child and I cannot help but chuckle at the frustrations and shortsightedness of my youth. Backstories are an integral part of making a world come to life. The Zelda series is an excellent example of a franchise that fleshed out a deeper backstory as it added depth to their games. Originally there were a handful of mobs and bosses but no real depth. We are bringing Epimetheus to life in a way that requires an explanation for behaviors like why Elves can travel safely in some Human kingdoms but not others, or why Dwarves inspire distrust across the continent of Aborlon.
We have taken a nation, in this case, Stenocia, and broken it down into 9 Kingdoms. Each kingdom falls under the authority of the One True King, which is the king of the Capital City of Busciples. Each of those kingdoms is then broken down into realms and the realms then broken further down into fiefdoms. This is a feudalistic government type and offers us the ability to create a hierarchy for the Class: Prince/Princess to navigate on their climb through the ranks of leadership. It also offers us some of the aforementioned depth.
Now here I am writing a pseudo-history for the world I dreamed up as a child and I cannot help but chuckle at the frustrations and shortsightedness of my youth. Backstories are an integral part of making a world come to life. The Zelda series is an excellent example of a franchise that fleshed out a deeper backstory as it added depth to their games. Originally there were a handful of mobs and bosses but no real depth. We are bringing Epimetheus to life in a way that requires an explanation for behaviors like why Elves can travel safely in some Human kingdoms but not others, or why Dwarves inspire distrust across the continent of Aborlon.
We have taken a nation, in this case, Stenocia, and broken it down into 9 Kingdoms. Each kingdom falls under the authority of the One True King, which is the king of the Capital City of Busciples. Each of those kingdoms is then broken down into realms and the realms then broken further down into fiefdoms. This is a feudalistic government type and offers us the ability to create a hierarchy for the Class: Prince/Princess to navigate on their climb through the ranks of leadership. It also offers us some of the aforementioned depth.
Creating a nation's history? Wha???
Humans are widely known throughout all of Aborlon. With an uncanny tenacity, humanity has carved their place in history with tales filled with hope, courage, and heroism, but it is also marred with cruelty deception and treachery. Nowhere on Epimetheus will you find a race more mercurial than that of the humans. They are known to be “Favored by the Gods” though to what end is unclear.
After the Time of the Titan, before the Coalition of Men found peace among the Fairie and Monster alike, Humans raided, murdered and savagely enslaved much of the continent in their hurry to conquer the fertile lands of Aborlon. They sowed seeds of brutal conflict among their own lands as quickly as they did into the lands of others. Anarchy blew like the wind of a great storm. The men of Aborlon prayed for salvation from the madness of human greed and persecution. But the Gods stayed silent. Chaos burned across the land like wildfire, other races watched with horror as death bled from trees and sky alike.
But the human race proved more resilient than any could have guessed. Their light would not be so easily snuffed out. Among them, two bloodlines emerged. House Naradin and House Brody fought to quench the flames of destruction. Jesep Naradin, of House Naradin, ended slavery freeing several royal benefactors as well as Tiaranna, an Elven Princess. Had Bergeron The Blue not led the rebellion “ end all wars” Jesep’s efforts to free his love from slavery would have met an ill-fated end. The united efforts of these pivotal characters changed the face of the Continent forever.
Many generations have passed and the humans, while still fighting among each other, have established one of the most influential nations in the lands. With the mutual agreement to rally under a single flag, progress has replaced slavery, farms and trades have flourished and the Human race has forged many Alliances. Their ingenuity and perseverance have earned them a strong hold on their lands and produced beauty that draws even the Elven lords to its captivating sites.
○ Government
• Feudalism
There is a king of kings who is Lord over the Nation of Stenocia, he rules over the capital city of Busciples and manages all matters foreign. While this means that he can call to arms the cities of Stenocia, the 8 kings still respectively lord over their independent kingdoms. Each kingdom has its own noble bloodlines that manage the lands for their king called realms. These “landlords” form the court of each respective king. Within these realms are separate fiefdoms that are run by Knights, Vassals, Princes, and Princesses.
• Alliances
Coalition of Men: An ongoing treaty with the races of men: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Giant, and Troll.
Honor Alliance: Established treaty between the Human, Elf, Troll, and Centaur includes open borders.
Rock and Gravel: Trade Agreement with the Dwarves to include open borders.
○ Military
• Calvary
Guardians: Elite soldiers tasked with the protection of the King of Kings, shield, and longsword.
Blood Brigadiers: Horsemen with chain-mail and armed with longsword, shield and morning star.
Garmen: Horsemen with leather-mail, spear, shield, and longsword.
Knights of Stenocia: Knights with full plate mail, lances, shield, morning star, and longsword.
• Infantry
Earls of the Hand: Lords of the realms armed with two-handed swords and leather armor.
Men of Stenocia: Longsword Men with shield and splint-mail.
• Polemen
Halberdiers: Equipped with half-plate, shield and halberds.
Woodmen: Equipped with chain-mail, shield and battle axes.
Men of Busciples: Equipped with chain-mail, short swords, shield, and battle hammers.
Spearmen: Equipped with leather-mail, short swords, shield, and spears.
Pikemen: Equipped with plate-mail and pikes.
• Archers
Archer: Girded with leather armor and a short bow.
• Artillery
Bombadiers: Manning a Mortar, wearing chainmail with shortsword and morningstar.
Cannons: Manning cannons, wearing leather armor with morning stars.
Trebuchet: Manning trebuchet, wearing leather armor with short swords.
○ Kingdoms
• Busciples
Capital city to the humans, governed by the King of Kings, Lord of Stenocia, Maxellesto of House Brody. Queen Armello of House Greggor serves at his side. They rule the Capital City and can call upon the kings to defend their ancestral lands. They are strong, intelligent and wise with a passion for the glory of Stenocia.
• Glimmer Shores
Major fishing and trade Kingdom. King Elijah of House Stoutblood and Queen Adelina of House Stonerock rule this kingdom with an aloof approach heavy only in the pockets of its people. They host glamorous Galas and have entertained countless people of interest. While their flamboyant and somewhat posh behavior seems disdainful, they have been known to affect many wealth producing agreements with foreign merchants that benefit all men and women of Stenocia.
• Gryphonton
King Nathaniel of House Nightengale alongside Queen Rosascia of House Fairtalon rule this coastal kingdom known for its griffin hatcheries (rookeries) and Naval shipyards. There is also a Coastal Fortress, Fort Neptune, on Parla Island that serves as a forward
stronghold to warn of invading fleets and pirates. The men of Gryphonton are renowned for their courage in battle.
• Gulan
Another coastal kingdom, Gulan is ruled by King Edward of House Titanwake and Queen Starlah of House Hickorytide with a fierce hand. They push their people hard. In turn, they have some of the best-developed lands in all of Stenocia, with sewers and aqueducts rivaled only by those in Busciples. This driven nature of the lords of this kingdom creates a regional pride that is paralleled only by that of the Men of Stenocia.
• Permaton
King Bartholomew of House Darcbrood alongside Queen Matilda of House Ravensight rule this Kingdom with an authoritarian rule. Complete and undeniable submission to their house is the only way to survive in these desolate lands of rock-strewn fields and
rocky coastline. The infamous Forest of Dek-en Bar and the origins of the Great Thirst spoil these otherwise benevolent territories.
• Canthium
King Jesep of House Naradin with Queen Dinah of House Stargrace are benevolent rulers who hold themselves to a higher standard than the average ruler. They have bestowed fortune and education on their people and invested in their commoners where other kings lavish their lords. King Jesep and Queen Dinah are the most loved of all royalty in the Nine Kingdoms. Canthium is known as the ‘Crown Jewel of Stenocia’ as it possesses the largest, most productive silver mines in all of Epimetheus. Their southern border is protected by an ancient enchanted wall; keeping the nightmares of the Great Beyond from terrorizing the people of Canthium.
• Nidus
King Frederick of House Waverley and Queen Laila of House Morninglory rule this southern fishing Kingdom. While the people have been blessed with bountiful crops, plentiful livestock and healthy children they are forever at odds with the monstrosities
that get across the River Styx on their southern border. As a consequence, the men of Nidus are the most respected assembled soldiers in the nine kingdoms.
• Vinnecia
King Cedric of House Castletop and Queen Regina of House Rosethorne rule the largest trade Kingdom of the nine kingdoms. The great marble walls of Vinnecia draw people from across the lands and with traffic constant and the most diverse populations' crime is rampant. The Royal Guard is made up of the most skilled warriors of their profession and nearly matches that of the King of King’s royal guard: The Knights of Zentium. There are constant assassination attempts and much intrigue in the courts of Vinnecia, There is a rumor that no Lord sits at the King’s table long enough for the king to remember their name. In addition to the fluidity of authority, there is an ever-shifting power struggle that the royalty use to keep their enemies at bay.
• Ventross
King Phinneas of House Tackenslate and Queen Amberley of House Ravensight rule the “Slave Kingdom” of Ventross. The nation’s criminals are shipped to this kingdom, many of which go on to fight in the arenas. The Gladiatorial Coliseums draw audiences from
around the world as well as competitors. While the people of Ventross are mostly fishermen and tradesmen, the kingdom is still ranked as one of the wealthiest due to the king’s sordid relationships and ties to the criminal underworld. Queen Amberley is more a figurehead and is disregarded in the courts due to her Elven heritage, a fact which has allowed House Tackenslate to get away with much as House Ravensight is the ruling house of Heaven’s Hearth.
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