Happy New Year!!!
Christmas is a very busy time for us as it is for most with families. Understanding that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of a man named Jesus who preached about love and forgiveness, offers our family an excellent opportunity to love on each other with an intensity that happens few times a year. And oh my goodness do the smiles come out. Lol!
It's been a few weeks since our last post. Shame on us. So here I am friends, fans, and random visitors, ready to update you on the progress that we have made since November. Seems so long ago. I pray that you have had an amazing, joy-filled Christmas with the ones you love and that your New Year started with promise and hope.
That being said we have still been very busy little bees. Initially, we used the Fantastical World page to link our maps. What we have done is take the world map and zoomed in to create territories within each civilization, or nation if you will. This also allows us to add detail to the maps. Now we have also linked wildlife to that page as well.
Looking forward we will be getting to a point soon where we will have to start adding landforms, biomes, landmarks and greater detail to the landscape. However, we don't want to be too constrictive in our direction as we will want our 'world builders' to build with ample amounts of creative freedom. So if you are interested in map-making or world building now is the time to jump on board. Hint, hint, wink, wink, not so subtle suggestion.
As things stand there are still only two active contributors, but we are hoping to have that changed before the summer rolls around. This winter we will be posting posters in every game store that will allow us to as well as beginning a dialogue with college faculty to do presentations to aspiring software engineers, game enthusiasts, and hopeful game developers. Just before summer vacation, we would like to talk to our local radio station and inquire about an advertisement as well. Who knows what the future holds, but I am sure it is going to be great.
Drumming up excitement about the development of this MMO is going to be vital until we can really get the word out to communities that would be interested in this ground-breaking approach. However, while I personally have the ability and experience to do presentations in front of large crowds neither of us have really taken the time to create a sales pitch, 20-second elevator pitch, ads or anything of that sort.
The current tasks in progressing this blog are as follows:
- Completion of the Territorial Maps
- Completion of the Racial Pics
- Completion of Nation Bios
- Completion of Aborlonian Timeline
We hope to have these four bullet points complete before the summer. Financially we are still a fair ways off from our goal, but it is just after the holidays, after all, we'll scrounge up that impossible amount of money lickity split you just wait and see.
Anywho on any given Sunday, as always we gladly accept suggestions, contributions, relationships, and good ol' conversation so feel free to drop a friendly email or even an anonymous one to nathan.epimetheus@gmail.com
Anywho on any given Sunday, as always we gladly accept suggestions, contributions, relationships, and good ol' conversation so feel free to drop a friendly email or even an anonymous one to nathan.epimetheus@gmail.com
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We appreciate your feedback. Remember to keep your dreams alive, your imagination may depend on it.