Into the Nathan-verse
We need more content! Nothing keeps people coming back like content. These days content seems to include everything from dumping liquid on your head to streamers tearing each other down. But Team Epimetheus holds itself to a higher standard. We follow the 'Golden Rule'. Hey don't get us wrong we find much of that stuff just as entertaining as the next guy/gal, but we are not interested in setting a bad example. In fact, we cannot afford to. We represent an idea that has its roots in integrity, maturity, and community. The opposite of putting others down. Besides, there are plenty of other venues to find that sort of 'entertainment'. So to keep everyone abreast of what is going on right now, as you may have noticed we are still constructing the topic-specific blogs. One of the things that are tying us up is that there must be some uniformity in the way links and content are displayed. Ultimately we want each blog to represent its target topic adequately, but s...