
Showing posts from March, 2019

Into the Nathan-verse

We need more content! Nothing keeps people coming back like content. These days content seems to include everything from dumping liquid on your head to streamers tearing each other down. But Team Epimetheus holds itself to a higher standard. We follow the 'Golden Rule'. Hey don't get us wrong we find much of that stuff just as entertaining as the next guy/gal, but we are not interested in setting a bad example. In fact, we cannot afford to. We represent an idea that has its roots in integrity, maturity, and community. The opposite of putting others down. Besides, there are plenty of other venues to find that sort of 'entertainment'. So to keep everyone abreast of what is going on right now, as you may have noticed we are still constructing the topic-specific blogs. One of the things that are tying us up is that there must be some uniformity in the way links and content are displayed. Ultimately we want each blog to represent its target topic adequately, but s...

A moment of silence

First and foremost let us take a moment to pray for and/or show respect for the lost life in Alabama . Please forgive me for my sins Lord. Such a tragedy, I pray that hope, love, and joy saturates that region for years to come. Dear Father above, Papa, I ask that it be your will to turn this tragedy into an opportunity to perform miracles and glorify your holy name. You know father that there is no greater loss than the loss of the ones you love, and so I ask that the Holy Spirit comfort the citizens of Oklahoma, that the people in that tornado-ravaged land who have lost so much might find strength in the ones around them. I ask this on the authority granted us by the covenant bound through your son's sacrifice. Lord, please show mercy and grace. Amen. Alright, thank you for entertaining this Christian's beliefs and showing respect for our fellow countrymen, women, and children. I am not really great at coping with loss or such suffering, so please do not think me insensit...

Hey you....Yes you!

Welcome back! I'm so happy to see you again. I and this here, ahem mischievous troublemaker have been hanging around for our shining moment. As if by a quick flick of our fairy godmother's magic wand, we're back. While she is hanging around, thinking about her next misadventure, let me tell you a little bit about her. She is absolutely adorable but is more of a handful than your two-year-old toddler, or heck even your preteen (like mine lol). Trust me, this furry scurries around wreaking havoc wherever she goes, but she is not the easiest to find or befriend.  Watch your step, and keep your ears open. "It's Voting Season here in Epimetheus World", and the Polls are being set up as we speak. So with no further ado, let the games begin. We are looking for suggestions to name our little fuzzy friend. Once we have accumulated enough suggestions we will put up a poll to vote on everyone's favorite. Thanks for supporting us, we greatly appr...

Huckleberry Backflips!!!

Artist: Nathan W Winter is fading. Yes, I said it. You see the days are getting longer and the chill doesn't seem to bite so hard anymore. Small birds have flown into town and there is a smell to springtime. Promise. Loving spring reminds me that we are fast approaching a Toyota's favorite time of year: MUD SEASON!!!! Lol! Spring is a time of change, growth and new life. The World of Epimetheus will be delivering that to you this spring as well. In fact, there have been a few requests to share what we have lined up right now and by golly, it would make a perfect thingy to talk about on this here blog. Yessah! Artist: Timothy W. There is a considerable amount of work behind putting these blogs together believe it or not. I am a veteran blogger. Structuring something like this can be complicated and complicated is not easy to describe. In fact, I would say that it is complicated trying to describe anything complicated, but now I am just ove...