Huckleberry Backflips!!!

Artist: Nathan W
Winter is fading. Yes, I said it. You see the days are getting longer and the chill doesn't seem to bite so hard anymore. Small birds have flown into town and there is a smell to springtime. Promise. Loving spring reminds me that we are fast approaching a Toyota's favorite time of year: MUD SEASON!!!! Lol!

Spring is a time of change, growth and new life. The World of Epimetheus will be delivering that to you this spring as well. In fact, there have been a few requests to share what we have lined up right now and by golly, it would make a perfect thingy to talk about on this here blog. Yessah!

Artist: Timothy W.
There is a considerable amount of work behind putting these blogs together believe it or not. I am a veteran blogger. Structuring something like this can be complicated and complicated is not easy to describe. In fact, I would say that it is complicated trying to describe anything complicated, but now I am just over-complicating things.

As you may notice we are getting the race artwork done first. We will just say that this was an executive decision made by our Product Manager, and with good reason too. You see Races has its own page now and the Product Manager will be doing intro videos for each race. This combined with the national bios and maps will provide a cleaner, more user-friendly environment for our fans and adversaries. Not to mention it should look way cooler!

Artist: Nathan W.
There are hundreds of wildlife artwork images that will be remastered, many of which are scattered throughout this post. While it is true that the World of Epimetheus will one day have all of the real world's creatures of lore and mythology, there will also be a fair amount of unique ones found only in Epimetheus. If you would like to submit a unique creature of your own to be remastered and added to the game, simply email a picture (JPEG, png, tiff) to

We are going to start displaying the various Professions initially available in-game. This will cover both combat professions, or Classes, as well as noncombat professions, or Trades. Please bear with us as much of this is still under development. In one form or fashion, there will be links from these professions to the Gear and Races blogs as well. So they will continue to grow as our content increases. Something you will have to keep an eye out for.

Unfortunately, these changes mean that the Fantastical World page and all of their links will be dissolved as we recreate them under their respective headings. This removal of something already completed may seem counterproductive, Lord knows it doesn't sit well with me either, but in truth, it is a necessary step. In the end, you will find it much easier to navigate through the aspects, features, and concepts of the game.

Artist: Nathan W.
Artist: Nathan W.
Once the aforementioned videos have been completed there will be a need to embed the videos into the blog in such a way that they automatically play when clicking on their respective links. In addition, I will be making small loops of the videos to use as buttons to the full videos. This will require some research into CSS and JS as those two languages are better suited for this type of content. That means our developer producer has to hit the books!

To accomplish this I will be returning to FreeCodeCamp to dive back into my courses. While there are now many different ways in which one can now educate themselves, [a topic covered in an old blog of mine (squiggletech) complete with a link list of those sites] I already have time invested and familiarity with Quincy Larson and this amazing program. Not to mention I like to finish the things that I start, even if I do work on a different scale of time than most.

What in the actual hay does that have to do with a Huckleberry Backflip? For that matter was is a Huckleberry Backflip? These are reasonable questions mind you and I would not want to disappoint our fans. First and foremost, this post has nothing to do with these gymnastic vaults of imaginary grandeur. In fact, there is no such term at all. But I have to fire my imagination up, don't I? And it did make for an interesting title.
Artist: Nathan W.

If I am being honest here I did come up with this outside of the more rational approach of our Marketing Manager. Hey listen, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. So how about it? Do you forgive me? You do? Awwww that is so sweet and kind. I love you too.

Anywho-diddles on any given Sunday, as always we are interested to hear your thoughts and ideas. Please contact us and let us know what you think, or simply stay-tuned for the next event put together by our Product Manager.

Thank you for taking the time to read this week's post. Remember to smash that subscribe button at the top of our page if you haven't already. See you next week and God bless.

Developer Producer


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