Vetted Followers Delight

All of this is mentioned for a few reasons. First, these posts are the Team's way of updating everyone on what we have accomplished. Second, we have some new additions to the team. My daughter has begun to beat the drum in various forms of social media, which is pretty amazing. Thank you kiddo, daddy loves you. Then, my nephew, Tyler has jumped on board as well and is beginning to develop additional art content which is the lifeblood of these blogs. Content is what keeps people coming back. Finally, I have used this post as a means of directing people to many of the most important aspects of the Team Epimetheus site by linking the topics to the web addresses where they can be found.

This is very exciting. Every time someone asks questions makes comments or suggestions I personally get pretty amped up. This might be my dream, but I want others to be a part of it. In fact, it will be a better-finished product due to the contributions of others. Diversity is an amazing thing, one woven into the very fabric of life. It is the diversity of faiths, races and, well, everything, that makes this world so interesting and amazing. We would be remiss to not strive for that same variety in Epimetheus.
Interestingly enough work is currently being done to remaster the Nephilim by both myself as well as my nephew. So it will be awesome to see what he has cooked up and how they compare to one another. I am providing the artwork at each of its stages just to show everyone again how this guy rolls.
As always please feel free to comment below or contact an admin to discuss your ideas. We would truly love to hear from you. Until next week, stay safe and drive carefully, some of the things unleashed from our imaginations can get a little unruly.
Nathan Wing
Developer Producer
Awesome brother. Am glad to hear tyler joined the club.