Forged in Fortitude

Last month we described the monotony and lackluster of cartography. Specifically, the life-draining attempts at creating maps for Aborlon. Praise God for the discernment to switch gears rather than toss in the towel. Not that this team wasn't going to go the whole ten rounds with any challenge that confronted us. Nonetheless, switching to art asset creation has proven to be far more rewarding and productive than swinging at the formidable opponent of landscape development.

Last month we shared the Axe and Sword collections. This week we would like to share some collages that cover a majority of what has been done in the last thirty or so days. Interestingly enough, as we are nearing the completion of the weapons list from the 'smithie' trade tree it has provided many specialized skills to add to our ever-growing skills list.

For example, perhaps your avatar in Aborlon is going to wield a sword. A common weapon choice really. After training the skill 1-handed sword, does that make your avatar the master at all swords? Stop trying to guess goof, it was a rhetorical question. The answer is no. After mastering the aforementioned skill one can then select a specialized skill in the tree, say for example Scimitar. Adding xp to that skill will enhance your avatar's already impressive ability to handle the slice and dice of swordsmanship when specifically wielding a scimitar.

When you examine the full scope of weapons and gear it really adds to the growing list of skills that we will be using to develop the skill trees for Classes. Let me expatiate that further. You have chosen the divine path of a Cleric and therefore you are restricted from bladed weapons. Praise the Gods there is an abundance of weapons that are still available to you. Being an imaginative sort, your Cleric specializes in the Jutte after mastering Bludgeon. Now in addition to having the ability to wield any of the bludgeon weapons, your avatar can really give it to the denizens of darkness with righteous authority when using the Jutte.

In turn, there is now a list of trainable skills for the clerics that include specific bludgeon weapons. I'm sure you see the scope of work that is being made possible simply by creating our very own art assets for these objects. If we were really interested in dragging you into the depths of how creating these assets opens up the abyss of game applications we would start describing the idea of breaking down the individual parts of creating each weapon and how those parts would all find themselves in the object database and require their own art assets, but hey, we'll save that for another post.

For now, just take a look at some of the assets that have been accumulated. Some of these were really fun to create. The need to assure the audience that all of these assets were done in the free art application has not gone unnoticed. So please, unbunch your undergarments and rest easy in the undeniable truth that they really were unleashed from this inexpensive venue.

Eventually, these collages, along with the assets, will find themselves in the Armory. If you are a member of our facebook group you have already seen the asset update. If you aren't, well then what are you waiting for. Join it already you dung-trodden dragon fart, before someone sets you alight and all that imagination we have infused you with goes to waste.

Would you like to submit your own rendition of a weapon to be part of the game? Maybe you would like to suggest changes to something that we have done, or perhaps you wish to troll our amazing team for their heroic efforts in developing this game. Well no matter what you have to say we want to hear it. So drop us a line. feedback can be sent to the email listed below.

Developer Producer


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