You Won't Believe What Has Been Going on During COVID Pandemic!

There has been so much craziness going on in the last couple of months that we here at Team Epimetheus have been wary about how best to move forward. With the pandemic scare, quarantine, riots, and national curfew, things have been concerning. To hear that mass numbers of Americans will be treated as terrorists on American soil is gut-wrenching.

We do not condone police brutality nor do we condone violence toward our civil servants and stewards of law. We believe in our right to freedom of speech and assembly but do not condone violence and looting. At a time when our nation is facing a global pandemic, we as Americans must display the courage, objectivity, tolerance, and sensibility that we wish to find in others. 

Our hearts are heavily burdened by the violence, the senseless killings, and the inappropriate riots that are plaguing our nation. While we feel that now is a time to speak out with passion and compassion, to address the atrocities that happen both by and to law enforcement; it is not our intent to address political matters on this blog.

After taking some time to carefully consider how to move forward we have decided to honor George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Daniel Leetin, David Dorn, and the multiple officers gunned down this year in our own way. We will be doing this, in respect, by going silent for the next 60 days. 

We will resume our posts and updates in August. May God bless each and every one of you with safety and love. Please stay safe, stay sane, and combat anger with love.

- Team Epimetheus


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