Happy New Year!!
The beginning of a New Year brings hope and promise. Each year many of us look to the new year as an opportunity to do better, to shine brighter and grow more than the years past. We make resolutions and resolve to do them. We set goals, make plans and look toward new horizons. New Years is an excellent end to the holidays.
But the truth is that every day that we wake up it is the beginning of the rest of our lives. We have the ability to start fresh every morning. We need not wait for the calendar year to conclude to find inspiration to remake ourselves. But it sure does seem more potent this night doesn't it?
Our goals this year are as follows:
1.) Increase our following on this blog to 50+ people
2.) Flesh out the culture, political structures and religious organizations of 4 races
3.) Complete the 'Art Style Guide'
4.) Have way too much fun!!
This will be our fourth year into the project and the growth has been remarkable. While we haven't completed all the goals set in last years itinerary, each step has been a learning process. There really is no such thing as a mistake if you learn from them.
To recap; our website was built and published (that was quite the learning experience) but we could not fund it. Art assets were increased phenomenally. Profession icons were finalized and published on Deviant Art. Updates were rolled out on our Facebook page. And plans have been made to produce one of our very first pieces of merch!! Yes folks we have had an accomplished year.
This year the Dev Pro will be making a career change which will aide in funding moving forward. In addition that career will allow for a lot of self-education which is invaluable. Until we can find people to fill all of the available slots the small team must be comfortable wearing more than one hat. Who says that we cannot be a jack-of-all-trades and master many of them?
If you aren't in our Facebook group we strongly suggest that you do so. This year we will be leaning heavily on those members to provide direction in the creation of merchandise. It is also where the majority of our updates are published.
No matter how you follow our progress we are happy to have you. We are open to suggestions as well as criticism. While we would prefer not to be trolled, most of us have pretty broad shoulders. You can comment on this post, post comments on Facebook or email the Dev Pro at: nathan.epimetheus@gmail.com. No matter how you communicate with us we will take your feedback serious, or not so much if that was your approach.
Have a great New Years Folks and remember to keep your dreams alive, your imagination depends on it.
- Team E
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We appreciate your feedback. Remember to keep your dreams alive, your imagination may depend on it.