Summertime is a Time for Love

Here in the most eastern state of the US, our weather is a little unpredictable. We can have snow storms on Monday and clear skies in the 70s by Wednesday. We have cold snowy winters and bright sunny summers. But that isn't always true. Sometimes we can go all winter with very little snow or all summer with very little sunshine. So when we have a summer like we have had this year: full of sunshine and bright blue skies, we are definitely going to take as much of it in as we can.

This is not to say that there is no forward progress taking place in Epimetheus. We are ever vigilant when it comes to the development of this project. So in between the lathering on of sunblock and snorkling, the devouring of burgers and dogs, the bicycle adventures and trail stomping we have still chipped away at the sculpting of Epimetheus. 

Each quarter we focus on the culture of a particular race predetermined by our Facebook fan group. This quarter we have developed the Dwarven people. A post has been published on our Facebook page highlighting the progress made there. At this very moment we have shifted to the Breather Dwarves. With a little over a month left to these small-statured people we are sure that phenomenal detail will be crafted for them.

Additionally, we have begun communicating with a potential recruit for our team. An artist who has responded to our post on Deviant Art by the name of Blizzard-Chill. Her work can be seen here. Her talent in art and unique style are exactly what we are looking for. In fact, it is our teams whole hearted belief that she will deliver life to our beloved project. Her first commission will be applied to creating some merch, utilizing our very own Mascot: Aite.

One final area of progress that deserves a mention is our efforts on developing an app version of the game. This early version of our game will serve two purposes: it will introduce many of the core concepts and features of Epimetheus to the gamer community and it will provide a source of residual income. Much of our artwork should slide right into this new venture. In fact, we have already been in contact with at least one gif artist to help fill some of the gaps.

There is always more room on our team for people who wish to contribute to this adventure. You can message the Director Producer directly: or you can join our Facebook group and begin a dialog there.


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