
Showing posts from January, 2019

Flying Pink What?!?

Furry Little Friend You know I have literally been brainstorming on this game for over 25 years. True story yo. So as you can imagine there are all kinds of nifty little ideas that I have accumulated to make the World of Epimetheus not only the first of its kind but also interesting, surprising, and humorous. Everybody loves finding easter eggs in a game right? So much so that they have become a relatively common element in today's games. Well in Epimetheus there is a flying pink bunny (which is supposed to be adorable by the way) that has a mischievous demeanor who also happens to have a little horn on its forehead. A flying pink unicorn bunny that loves to play pranks....ok check. The easter egg part will include not only finding her but also catching the little miscreant. Seriously this little critter is fast and evasive. There will even be times where players can hear her snicker but not see her without enchantments or versa vice: cannot hear her without e...

Social Media Savvy Peeps

Shout out to all my Social Media Peeps! Good Afternoon! This is the Product Manager. I wanted to say a quick thank you to all those that have taken the time to check out our blog to see what we are all about. As of right now, we are still a team of two. I know with this crazy world that we live in, it doesn't leave us much time for anything else. So, let me ask you a question: do you use Facebook, Instagram, and or Twitter?! I know that I do, to communicate with friends and family, and to get the Word of Epimetheus out there as well. I am looking for some peeps to help me out by spreading the word on various social media mediums; Everything from new weekly posts to giveaways (when we have them), and new upcoming artwork and ideas.  To anyone who is interested in spreading the word about The World of  Epimetheus , I have a challenge for you. Nathan our very own Developer/Producer created a Mascot for The World of Epimetheus. And I must say that he di...

Storytime around the campfire

Newpolios    This week I want to talk about the storyline . I was drawn into this fantastical world of myth, magic, and adventures through books. Escaping middle school with dreams about spelunking, discovering boobie traps, and finding hidden treasures leaving behind the troubles of life. The first book I recall reading by choice alone was Sword of Shannara , by Terry Brooks. I was about eleven then and was attending the Auburn Middle School.    That first book began a passion for reading that fed my desire to learn. It has been a boon in so many ways since. I have read to escape the troubles of family life and to distract myself from the days in the solitude of incarceration. I have read to learn and have been blessed to have access to a world wide web. Folks a passion for learning, or educating oneself if you will, is a powerful thing in this informational age. Where I once had to suffer questions no one could answer, I now have access to the ac...

Happy New Year!!!

Christmas is a very busy time for us as it is for most with families. Understanding that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of a man named Jesus who preached about love and forgiveness, offers our family an excellent opportunity to love on each other with an intensity that happens few times a year. And oh my goodness do the smiles come out. Lol! It's been a few weeks since our last post. Shame on us. So here I am friends, fans, and random visitors, ready to update you on the progress that we have made since November. Seems so long ago. I pray that you have had an amazing, joy-filled Christmas with the ones you love and that your New Year started with promise and hope. That being said we have still been very busy little bees. Initially, we used the Fantastical World page to link our maps. What we have done is take the world map and zoomed in to create territories within each civilization, or nation if you will. This also allows us to add detail to the maps. Now we ...